13 January 2010

The truth hurts

Sent this note to a friend. Now I'm sending it to the General Public (you).
Small victories: I just got done dominating a cappuccino it's it. So good. I thought I'd let you know that the SoPTKWTFTATA* released the definitive list of the best it's it flavors, in descending order:

1. Chocolate
1. Cappuccino
1. Vanilla
28. A punch in the face.
3327. Severe earthquake in the poorest country in the Western hemisphere.
(Infinity-1). Mint

If you didn't get the monthly SoPTKWTFTATA newsletter maybe your dues are in arrears. I'll have the treasurer (my dog) get in touch with you. Maybe you sent it in and she ate it. Hard to know.

love you,

*Society of People That Know WTF They Are Talking About - If you're not a member there's a reason. Just sayin'. (I'm a charter member, if you must know.)

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