The feds are looking out for you, protecting your interests, keeping you safe from people that want to come over here, do your dishes, and then go home again.
I'm trying to figure out what part of this story would make sense to anyone but a government bureaucrat, but I can't.
I guess this guy's crime was that he didn't pay into social security (although he wasn't going to collect it) and maybe owed other tax monies. So of his $59,000 hard earned dollars, the feds said he could have $10k, plus some other $$ that people donated when they heard about the story. 11 years of work, and the feds say he can "keep" 1/6th of the original total. I love the federal government. They hardly ever waste my money. I'm sure they'll put this to good use.
That's US Customs: keeping you safe from, umm, people that want to earn some money and go home.
ps. I know this story came out some weeks ago, but I've been busy.
I didn't really "read" the story, but I'm guessing that guy got what he deserved. Or didn't get what he didn't deserve, etc. This is America. We invented Rights.
hate to break it to you but social security is automatically deducted even when you have a fake social security number. Last year illegal immigrants--whom as you pointed out will never collect on it--contributed over 45 million dollars to the bankrupt program. Ignorant racist conservatives tend to forget that in addition to innumerable other flaws in their logic--or lack thereof.
perhaps if one would to "read" something aside from they bible they would not be so ill-informed...
(above link is spliced, paste together for article)
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