Photo is from my trip to a faraway land. Careful observers will see a person on the stairs in the middle foreground. Good for scale.
in other news, the fat kid cut his finger doing the dishes last night. minor setback. apply direct pressure, put a band aid on it, etc. after a while it stopped bleeding so I decided to put laundry away. In retrospect, this was not the smartest. it goes great until the very last thing I put away and I bleed on the laundry. that's frustrating. walking away from dresser in a huff, I stubbed my toe sharply on my guitar case. now i'm bleeding on the carpet. it's a crime scene at chez Butterball. tragedy to comedy. I have to wrap foot in a towel, walk downstairs to get spot remover, and clean up the mess. after I applied multiple band-aids i went to bed.
dating red flags, law school edition: friend KW meets a lot of guys. she's a nice girl, and she's in law school, and she lives in the bay area, so there's a lot of guys to meet. anyways, she met a guy recently and in conversation he said, roughly
I don't like to read to broaden my mind; I prefer TV. I feel my mind is broad enough.
who could disagree with that kind of genius?
thanks for reading.
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