28 January 2007

injury to leg: mild; injury to pride: severe

A moments inattention at the gym can be the source of some entertainment. This time, it was me.

I was lifting one of the bars w/ fixed weights on the end. Shocking the triceps with some skull crushers. Between sets, i got up and put the dumbell down on the bench I was laying on, made sure it wasn't going to roll off. As I was standing there, gossiping (as you do), it rolled off. On the way to the ground, it ran down the front of my shin, from my knee to my ankle. It looked, and sounded, unpleasant. It so happened that the grippy part of the bar scraped down my shin. I had to wipe my flesh off the bar. (not superb) Fortunately the injury looked a lot worse than it was, and although my workout ended early, i was back in the gym the next day. As it is, i have a sweet bit of road rash down the front of my leg. Which I got at the weight room. Because I am a toolbox. I'd post a picture but it's kind of icky. But also funny.

This embarassing episode got me thinking about some other stuff I've done that, in retrospect, I probably could have handled better. I'm not talking about momentary lapses in judgment (plenty of those), I'm talking about pre-meditated inadequacy on a grand scale. So in the next week or so I'll post at least one blog entry to highlight some of those instances. Not too many, because I've blocked them from my memory by now. Thank God.

in other news, the movie "Smoking Aces" is not that bad. But it's not that good, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like the new look. and just so you know, I have the market cornered on pre-meditated inadequacy--it is what I do. read mission to america by walter kim