it's been a tough couple of weeks for the fat kid. the flights home from south america were long and miserable. took about 24 hours, 19 hours of flight time. by the time i got back i was not feeling too hot. and of course i got sick as soon as i got home. as per usual. still, it was great to be home. i even went to the gym a couple times before i got REALLY sick. awesome.
best part about being home: seeing my peeps.
reason i came home (long version): i was sitting on a beach in Isla de Santa Catarina in southern brazil, and I realized that traveling solo was not my idea of fun. If i don't have someone to help put the experience in context then the experience itself doesn't mean very much. that's just how i am. i didn't see the point in continuing my vacation. so i came home.
in other news, David Beckham signed with the LA Galaxy! People don't realize how not good he is (got fired from his own national team, can't make it into the squad for his club team) and they grossly overestimate his ability to make an impact on the field. You have to divide any marquee player's impact by the total number of other players on his own team (except in baseball, where one guy bats and blah blah blah - baseball sucks). So if you add one mediocre player to a team of other mediocre players, what do you get? well, you get me ignoring the games for what would be my "home club". Somebody asked The Game what he thought of the move (this is a guy w/ the LA Dodgers symbol tattooed on his face), and he had the right attitude. He says, in part, "I'd kick David Beckham's ass on any given day." As you should, Mr. Game. As you should.
Why the guitar photo at top? i am shopping for a new electric, and considering this make and model. it was the only photo i had on short notice. awesome!
thanks for reading.
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