21 January 2007

"don't be intimidated, this happens all the time. well, maybe not all the time. but you're not the first."

You may or may not have heard that I am shopping for a new electric guitar. I have been hesitant to go in and actually try playing any of the possible models, mostly because I don't know how to play. What I do know how to play is all acoustic. So I don't want to go in and embarass myself at the local Guitar Center. It's very catch-22: you can't learn to play an electric until you get one, and you can't know how to choose an electric until you know how to play it. Something's gotta give. Which brought me to the local Guitar Center right at the opening bell on Saturday morning. I was hoping for fewer customers, an amp to myself, etc. I even brought a list of the guitars I wanted to hear. (Note also that I was told that to truly test an electric you should play it "very loud" through the amp. Perfect.)

Unfortunately, few customers means a very, very attentive sales staff. There isn't much opportunity to do any unobserved solo "jamming". If I could "jam". Which I cannot. My guitar inadequacy is usually only exposed to my empty room, and that's the way I like it; I try not to broadcast. So I get set up, start reviewing one of my options, and it's going fine. I set option 1 aside, and proceed to option two. As I'm sitting there, wondering what the f*ck I'm doing and sweating (profusely) with embarassment, a kid walks over and politely asks if he can "check out" the Les Paul Studio I just set aside. I say of course. Kid, 11 years old if he's a day, takes the LP Studio to the end of the row, plugs in, and starts to EFFING RIPSHRED. I mean he is killing it. He's not playing super-hard guitar parts, but he's playing some decent lead metal guitar. Sitting next to me he sounds like Steve Vai. I almost threw in the towel right then and there. But I swallowed my pride and chuckled at myself. It was good for me. God humbles the proud.

i am looking forward to playing electric guitar in the privacy of my own home. with headphones on.
okay then.

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