17 December 2006

my kingdom for some peanut butter

greetings from the southern hemisphere.
i forgot to check if the water swirls in a different direction when you flush the toilet. i{ll get on that immediately.
it's alternating between blinding hot and pissing down rain here. nice.
three things i miss the most:
  • peanut butter
  • the gym
  • my guitar
i think i can find a gym here. so that{s good. you would think i could find peanut butter, but no. 23 kinds of dulce de leche, but no peanut butter. bust. and the bread is really good too.
so if youve never been here, they have this thing where you don{t flush the toilet paper after you use it. you throw it in a trash can adjacent to the toilet. whether you{re going numero uno or dos, and irrespective of any gastrointestinal distress, that is the procedure. it takes some getting used to.
so when i moved into the hostel i was assigned a top bunk. that sucked, so as soon as the guy underneath me vacated the bunk i promoted myself to the lower bunk. they cost the same, so why should i get the crappy elevated position? the next guy they put in the room, he got the top bunk. turns out the move was fortuitous, because when i got back last night the roof was leaking into the bunk above me. taste it, bearded euro packpacker guy. that is bad luck. it happens. maybe they refunded your 6 euros? i{ll never know. he left before i got up today.
more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the mass of water in a tub or toilet is not sufficient to manifest the coriolis effect, direction of rotation has to do with the shape of the bowl.

yeah same thing in Nicaragua, sewage system, which they only have in the capital Managua, is not sufficiently robust to handle the paper. And in the hills you don't want all the paper clogging up your hole.
