24 October 2005

Inaugural post for the Fire Dick Vitale blogspot

Thanks for reading.
I have been looking for a creative outlet, a forum, for some closely held opinions on the subject of sportswriting and sports broadcasting. I was so moved after reading some recent posts from the brilliant firejoemorgan blogspot that i realized I could start a blog about my personal broadcasting nemesis: Dick Vitale.
I think there's a forum for just such a thing. And also it will give me something to do. The blog will be a closed forum at first, but if you feel like contributing, send me an email (firedickvitale@yahoo.com) and if you can write, I'll give you the keys.

Why a blog about Dick Vitale and his broadcasting and writing? Let me count the ways:
  1. DickyV is a persona, not an actual announcer. He tries to be bigger than the game itself, which gets in the way of me watching the games. What could be a terrific basketball game becomes an inevitable shouting match.
  2. V-speak on the espn.com website. DickyV has his own glossary of words and terms.
  3. DickyV is a cheerleader, not a commentator. Which means endless bland platitudes about every. single. basketball. program. It is simply not possible for every freshman to be fabulous. Not possible for every coach to be really, really terrific.Sometimes, you have to say something negative. Unless you're DickyV.
  4. Awesome, baby. 'nuff said.
  5. I'd like to get a proctologist to have DickyV removed from the collective anuses of the coaches of the following basketball programs: North Carolina, Iowa, Memphis, Louisville, Arizona, and especially: Duke.
So that's enough for a start. I promise to update the blog at least once every other day as hoops season heats up.
I also promise to skewer, ridicule, and demean any sort of broadcasting idiocy I am forced to endure as I watch basketball/football/hockey/soccer. yes, soccer. we're international here at firedickvitale.

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