24 January 2020

Abolish the Senate

Imagine a world where Barack Obama conspired with a foreign government to try to gain an advantage in his own re-election. Imagine that the evidence was clear, obvious, and incontrovertible.

Imagine then that he was impeached, and that the Senate had to hold a trial to determine if this constituted 'high crimes and misdemeanors' (hint: it does), and imagine that before the trial even started that the majority leader announced that Obama would be acquitted, and that the Senate would not allow any witnesses to be called.

That would never happen, because Barack Obama, in addition to not being a fucking moron that routinely breaks the law to enrich himself at the expense of the country, is not an enemy of democracy.

The United States is being held hostage by a minority of its population, because the Senate is broken. It should be abolished, along with the electoral college. Put them both in the trash where they belong. Rich old white men will have to find something else to keep them busy in their dotage besides fucking up the greatest nation on earth.

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