03 December 2018

Civics Lessons for Adults: The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis

I have been getting caught up on my reading, most recently finishing The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis. It is a very good and very timely summary of the work done (and not done) by the Trump transition team. The lesson is that the corruption and grift currently underway in Washington will have long-term damaging effects. 

You should care about this if you have kids, or if your friends have kids. Or not. It's hard to pay attention to this kind of thing when you are a busy person with things to do. I get it; youtube is not going to watch itself, after all. But if you can carve out the time, then it's a very good and easy read. I got through the book in two sittings, and you could probably do the same. 

The alternative is to just leave all this to someone else, and complain that 'they're all the same' and 'all politicians lie' and so forth and so on, but I have to tell you: it's not working out to your advantage. So pay attention to some small aspect of what is going on with your government, so that you can make an informed decision in 2020. 

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