06 December 2012

Man down!

This is awesome
Got the flu over the weekend. Such a drag.

In my quiet time I trolled the internet on my ipad and napped. Saw this picture, loved it super hard.

Photographer is Ben Canales. This self-portrait is definitely one of my favorite pictures of anything, ever.

Imagine that is a finite you juxtaposed with part of the Milky Way, which is only one galaxy of millions. And then remember that the Milky Way itself is so vast that our own solar system is utterly unremarkable and forgettable. This from Wikipedia:

As a guide to the relative physical scale of the Milky Way, if it were reduced to 100 m (110 yd) in diameter, the Solar System, including the hypothesized Oort cloud, would be no more than 1 mm (0.039 in) in width 

It reminds me that I'm not such a big deal after all.

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