07 May 2010

Got a half hour?

I read a lot. That doesn't have a whole lot to do with this video except that this video is about books, it's about google, it's about copyright law, and it's also an outstanding example of how to make something boring and complicated both interesting and uncomplicated. In summary, I want to give Lawrence Lessig a big hug.

If you don't have time to let the video run just play it in the background, but the point of the presentation is such that you will get more from it if you watch.

1 comment:

bsgarcia said...

interesting and his last argument is strengthy.

While I completely agree with his sentiment, I take issue with his argument re: kelly v. arriba as the thumbnail images are clearly not a usable substitute for the original image. However, in contrast, a scanned version of a book is of sufficient quality to substitute for the original. Granted, google is selectively truncating the scanned version so that people do not have access to the entire substitutable work, but there is still has a copy that is usable. As such, the case is less analogous to kelly v. arriba and more similar to beam-it where the original copy was in question.

regardless, good stuff.