11 October 2019

I've Been Busy

I've been busy, away, or busy and away at the same time. I was in Detroit, then in Tel Aviv for a week, and then Whistler, BC, then Seattle. On top of that I have been working on some projects for work. So a lot going on, and not super pumped to post any update. I think about doing it, and then I forget because I have some homework or I do not want to look at my computer.

Things have calmed down a little, even though I have more trips on the horizon (LA, Toronto, Seattle again). I will post more regular updates for the balance of the calendar year. Get excited. First things first, here is a photo from the last time I was in Israel. It's a photo of the Old City in Jerusalem. When I was there it rained, and also it was early, and there were no people. The Old City is a tourist trap, but if you can avoid that, and you can get to other parts of Jerusalem, it's great.

More later.

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