09 October 2018

Change is Overdue

The United States is currently being governed by a minority of its citizens. How did this happen?

The electoral college, which was created to appease slave states because of their low voting populations, continues to skew the results of the only national election. This is absurd.

Decades of gerrymandering congressional districts has dramatically skewed representation for one party at the expense of another. This is absurd.

The US Senate gives the same number of Senators to a state like Wyoming (pop. 480,000) as it does to California (pop. 48,000,000). This is absurd.

Abolish the Senate. End gerrymandering. Abolish the electoral college. Equal representation under the law is one of the reasons the republic was founded. People do not vote in part because they have no access to representation. Removing these barriers will go some way towards helping that. So will limiting the money in politics, but we can solve that problem in another post.

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