22 July 2018

A Month Goes By and No Word

Yeah I know.
I would say that I have been busy but I would be lying. What news I have is not good, so I have not had much to talk about. I got a new mountain bike, and then I had to return it because I had such severe tendinitis that I could not ride it. (I had tendinitis before I got the bike; it turns out that mountain biking is maybe one of the worst things you can try and do if you have tendinitis.)

The Cheeto in Chief continues to treat the country like his personal arbitrage generator, but as long as the stock bubble continues and he can pass legislation that enriches his very wealthy constituents then the GOP thinks it's fine. This is fine. Trump can also roll over for foreign powers, abasing himself publicly (during the press conference he admitted that he believed Putin instead of the four US agencies that asserted that Russia attempted to influence the 2016 presidential election) and privately (Putin made him wait for an hour! A goddamn hour! Trump and his macho handshake got pwned), and his base remains steadfast.

So what to do? Well, you can always go rollerblading, I guess. Lots of good places to rollerblade around the world. For example, you might consider taking advantage of one of Berlin's many parks or open spaces (more on this soon). For example, in 1948, during the Berlin Airlift, the Russians built a massive monument to their war dead in Berlin. More than 20 million Russians died in WWII, and about 80,000 alone were killed in the two weeks leading up to the capture of the city. Russia built a very powerful monument there, and it houses the remains of several thousand unidentified soldiers. Every year there is big memorial service on the site, and it remains hallowed ground.

When I visited I was taking in the monuments and somber tone and this fucking guy rolls through from left to right, doing the splits on his rollerblades. It was wildly inappropriate but, well, I laughed.

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