15 May 2017

You're Good For Me

Old-school Trance classic right here.

There's a lot of hot air about how the new 'trance' music isn't as good as the old trance music. Styles change, tastes change, etc. Some of the new music is actually pretty good, but some of it, well, it's shit. But plenty of the records back in the day were shit too. So whatever. Enjoy this one because it's an all-timer.

I can confirm that the current music coming from Above and Beyond is most definitely NOT as good as this. 

Also, happy belated mother's day to all the mom's out there. I made my mom a roast leg of lamb, and also some banana bread. She doesn't much care for either item, and she's a thousand miles away. More for me! She appreciated the gesture. 

1 comment:

bsgarcia said...

great track. surprised nothing on Cornell