15 August 2016

Get Down with this Slow Jam: Flume - Tiny Cities feat. Beck, Headphone Activist Remix

It's been 12 days since my last post.
In that 12 days I have been in Chicago / home / Thousand Oaks* / home / Oakland / San Francisco / Oakland / home / Torrance / home / Phoenix / home / Denver / Boulder / Denver / home.

Along the way some stuff happened and stuff. Whatever. Work is work. August shaped up to be the busiest travel month of the year, and that was just the first two weeks. So that's fun.

Please enjoy this free download that I may have posted already. I can't even remember and I'm too lazy to look. I do remember that I think this remix is amazing, and for $0.00 you can't beat the price. Can you believe you get this song for free? What a time to be alive.

More to come since I don't have to get on a plane for a whole week. Very excited.

* Fuck Thousand Oaks so much. When I die and go to Hell it will look just like Thousand Oaks, except it won't be as bad.

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